Dynamic Data

Dynamic Enums

Dynamic Enums are a great way to use dynamic data within Interweave. You can think of an enum as an array of data. The dynamic_enum property uses the shape of a Request.

// Example enum data structures
['Action', 'Comedy', 'Thriller']
    { label: 'Action 💥', value: 'action'},
    { label: 'Comedy 😂', value: 'comedy'},
    { label: 'Thriller 👺', value: 'thriller'},
[1, 2, 3]

Here is an example of implementing a dynamic enum for a field:

const config = {
  key: ...,
  fields: {
    title: {
        schema: {
            type: "string"
    genres: {
        schema: {
            type: "string",
            // `is_array` true will render a multiselect vs. dropdown
            is_array: true,
            dynamic_enum: {
                uri: "https://example.com/genres",
                http_method: "GET",
                data_path: "path.to.array",
                label_path: "title",
                value_path: "id",
  access: ...,
  requests: ...
For more options to customize your dynamic enums, see the Request type.

Rendering a MultiSelect Element vs. Dropdown Element

The schema property is_array will determine whether a multiselect or dropdown is rendered. A dropdown will render if is_array is false. A multiselect will render if is_array is true. is_array means the field expects an array of values, and that array of values will be the form-submission value for that field.