URL Parameters


Parameters are a way to append user-inputted data into your uri before they fetch data. Parameters are optional and can allow flexibility.

Parameters only work for the get request.
const config = {
  key: ...,
  fields: ...,
  access: ...,
  requests: {
    // Will render a table of data if present
    get: {
      uri: "https://example.com/genres/<<parameters.name>>/movies",
      http_method: "GET",
      parameters: {
        "name": {
            schema: {
                type: "string",
                enum: ["Action", "Thriller", "Comedy", "Drama"],
                default_value: "Comedy"
            interface: {
                form: {
                    label: "Genre Name"

Required Parameters

If a parameter is included within the uri of the request, then that parameter is considered required. You can access the value in your uri by using <<parameters.your-parameter-name>>.

Optional Parameters

We may also want to specify optional query parameters. Something that gets appended to the end of the URL like this: https://example.com/genres?page=1. To achieve this, you don't have to specify special parameters in the uri. Instead, add your property name under parameters, and Interweave will know to append it as a query parameter.

const config = {
  key: ...,
  fields: ...,
  access: ...,
  requests: {
    // Will render a table of data if present
    get: {
      uri: "https://example.com/genres",
      http_method: "GET",
      parameters: {
        "page": {
            schema: {
                type: "number",
                default_value: 1
            interface: {
                form: {
                    label: "Page Number"

Dynamic Parameters

Sometimes we may want to use other data from our API to generate a parameter. Let's say we want a dropdown to choose from all of the database genres we have stored in our API, and we want to fetch the movies for that genre. We may add genres at any moment, so we don't want this to be a static array. Instead, we can use a Dynamic Enum to fetch our data and generate the dropdown menu at runtime.

const config = {
  key: ...,
  fields: ...,
  access: ...,
  requests: {
    // Will render a table of data if present
    get: {
      uri: "https://example.com/genres/<<parameters.genreId>>/movies",
      http_method: "GET",
      parameters: {
        "genreId": {
            schema: {
                type: "string",
                dynamic_enum: {
                    uri: "https://example.com/genres",
                    http_method: "GET",
                    data_path: "path.to.array",
                    label_path: "title",
                    value_path: "id"
            interface: {
                form: {
                    label: "Genre"

The above configuration will create a dropdown of movie genres. Once that dropdown loads, value of the dropdown will automatically populate the <<parameters.genreId>> piece within the uri.

Accessing Parameter Values

In most other places within your Interweave interface, you can access the value of a parameter by using Variables. So considering the above example, you can later access that value by using <<parameters.page>>.

Full API

You can see all of the supported fields in our repository in the TypeScript interface named Parameter. Here is a direct link. (opens in a new tab)